
Our school is a Public Primary School no 2 under the name of Hans Christian Andersen in Radom. There are 65 five year-olds, 256 students at the age of 6-8 and 221 students at the age of 9-13. There are 50 teachers of different specialization including speech therapist, psychologist and educationalist. We execute the curriculum advisable by the Ministry of Education for the primary school.

The school is situated in the district Borki. It is one of the poorest working districts of Radom. A lot of families struggle with the problem of unemployment, alcoholism and poverty. Consequently it forces one or both parents to go abroad or other cities to earn money. It leads to the fact that the children are neglected, they do not get enough care, their emotional and material needs are not fulfilled. There are also students with emotional disturbances and hyperactivity disorder. One of the biggest problems of our district is euro – orphancy and unemployment.

The mission of our school is to create self-relient people, creative, open to contact with other cultures. We care about developing basic skills. Actions: There is an actively working student government at our school, which plans its own work based on surveys and interviews with students. The school government reports and carries out itsown initiative, taking into account the needs of their peers. A school newspaper is issued. In addition, there is a school volunteer club. It conducts numerous charities directed for example to the elderly and children from orphanages. We cooperate with the association ‘Ark’, The House of Veteran, housing estate home of culture. We organize campaigns promoting health, reading, human rights, tolerance. The student government organizes debates on issues important for students. Students implement various educational projects, including ecological, reading and health education.

There are numerous clubs at school, including theatre, sports, and ecological one. We cooperate with the Centre for Environmental Education, we participate in holidays organized by them, for example: Clean Up the World, Earth Day, the collection of waste paper, caps, cans, etc. Specialist
skills: People involved in the project participated in the creation and implementation of three Comenius projects, have organizational experience and language skills -they speak English. Two of them are teachers of English. Two people have taken care of the local government school and were responsible for its work. One of the teachers leads a school’s volunteering club. They have experience in evaluating different types of activities, resulting from their practice, courses and

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