
Kaunas Tadas Ivanauskas pro gymnasium is situated in Kaunas city. It is the second largest city in Lithuania. Kaunas Tadas Ivanauskas pro gymnasium is the name of a public school that includes pre-school, primary and a lower secondary school (for students who are 11-14 years old). At this moment there are 970 students and 70 teachers. We are quite well-equipped as for the Lithuanian standards. All classrooms have computers and the Internet connection, also there are smarboards in some classrooms. The school uses the electronic control to enter into. This provides security for students and their parents. Teachers capture all information about the lessons, homework, afterschool activities in the electronic diary. Moreover our school is equipped with Smartboards, where students are able to perform their tasks using tablets also we have 11 LEGO Mindstorm sets and experienced teacher has robotics lessons for kids at school.

Atmosphere at school is friendly and cooperating. School teachers are open to learning and teaching innovations. They are actively involved in various national and international programs, do projects and participate in them.

School administration supports the initiatives of teachers to participate in the Erasmus + projects. The school in the past has participated in 2 international Comenius projects and participate in 3 ERASMUS+ projects since 2016. Also school teachers developed a youth exchange project and it successfully conducted together with partners from Poland. The accumulated experience allows us to feel secured we will be able to lead the planning and execution of the project activities and guarantee that innovative and quality created by teachers and students will use the means of many schools in all partner countries Kaunas Tadas Ivanauskas pro gymnasium has relevant experiences in similar projects, in which they actively contributed to a successful partnership.

Our institution finds this project very important to introduce the European dimension of education in our school, to learn good practices and give our students the occasion to develop a European sensitivity, to know about other cultures, to learn to be tolerant and empathic and to improve their foreign linguistic competence. Our school has a strong commitment to innovation in teaching and learning. We are sure that we can share good practice with partners. Our teachers have taken part in many courses which broadened our repertoire of ICT skills (all school teachers got ECDL certificates (European Computer Driving Licence) and knowledges of useing educational software. On regular basic we share our good practice with colleagues not only from the nearest area but also from other cities and even countries.

All things considered, we are well-equipped and organized with enough experience and knowledge to carry on the Project without vital problems.

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