Our school is local institution for primary education which has 280 pupils from Municipality of Cernik which includes 8 villages in the area of 20 km around Cernik. Municipality of Cernik is local government unit with 3500 inhabitants. It is located 150 km east from Croatian capital Zagreb, 20 km north from river Sava which is natural board with Bosnia and Herzegovina. This area heavily suffered during the Serbo-Croatian war 1991-1996.
There are still some territories in this area where is forbidden to walk because of the mines. The main problems for the inhabitants in this area are huge unemployment and migration of young population to cities on the coast or to capital city Zagreb. Population is getting old and we can see that in the number of students in our school which decreases every year. Our idea with this project is to give our students new ideas and possibility of
finding knowledge based on idea of friendship and equal opportunities for improving themselves in cooperation with their peers from all around Europe. In this project we will include:
a) Students – 15 students, members of extracurricular school group named EU Projects will be directly involved in every step of the project. Work on this project will make them able to practice English, to use ICT technologies to communicate and effectively work in publishing and elaboration of the final products.
b) Teachers – 12 teachers will have the chance to work in an internationally team and getting new knowledge, ideas and inspiration. Teachers will be preparing and providing all the activities together with their students, will take a part in international meetings and mentoring students in dissemination part of the project.
Motivation: Our first priority is to offer new possibilities, new ways of thinking, doing and learning to our students. We think it is necessary for students to be in a closer contact with their colleagues from other European countries and they should use fluent foreign languages, particularly English.