The Gesamtschule Hemer is a school with almost 1000 students from 5 to 13. We offer all secondary-school qualifications that you can do in Germany. There are about 90 teachers at our school and we teach a variety of subjects. As we are currently in the application process for becoming a “Europaschule”, one of our main focuses is on languages and school exchanges. At our school students can study the following lanugages: English, Latin, French, Spanisch and Chinese and we offer exchanges with different countries (Italy, Poland, Russia and China) and our students can participate in different field trips (Spain, England). We also support our students in taking part in international internships. Our staff has about 90 teachers with different professions and specialties.
While our school is partly focused on languages, a great portion of our students is taking part in more pracitical subejcts such as “Arbeitslehre” (=work studies), “Wirtschaft” (=economy) and “Technik” (=engineering).
The region where our school is an area with quite a lot of industry and therefore many of our students will later find jobs in these industries. Thus, we do like to focus on technical subjects as well. We currently have a special engineering course in year 12 where students already worked with Lego mindstorms robots. At our school we have a work group “Europa” where different colleagues with different subjects participate. In this work group we discuss and develop ideas of how to take part in such projects as the Erasmus+ projects and also how to strengthen our international (and European) friendships and bonds with other schools. While all the members of this work group are more than willing to participate in this project, the main contact person is Katharina Fischer. She has been teaching at the Gesamtschule Hemer for 4 years and her subjects are English, Religious Eduation and Engineering. She is both experienced in organising and participating exchanges with other schools as well as field trips and in working with Lego Mindstorms.